Saturday, November 25, 2006

RE: Results and Motivation

I need a routine. Last time I lost 20 pounds running it was because I ran every day at 4:30pm, 3 hilly miles. Over this long Thanksgiving weekend I have gone for two hours midday or evening to the gym. However, my boot camp like tenacity has not really happened and instead I find the day sliping away with all teh stuff a working mom has to do, before I can get out the door to the gym. I also fill this mommy guilt, like I should be spending time with my son, and who gives a damn if I loose weight.

But still, I need to loose and I need to exercise to loose. Just nursing any more isn't cutting it. My weight has stayed at 189 for four weeks straight no change (it is down from an all time high of 220 at the end of pregnancy).I have 20 pounds to loose to get down to my prepregnancy weight. Then 20-30 more after that to get to my ideal weight. I'm leaving to go swimming this morning for an hour. Slip away while the baby and daddy are still asleep. I will make sure to eat healty today, cereal, Thanksgiving left overs in moderation, than a light dinner.


Anonymous said...

It is great Sis that you are finding time to get out and exercise. It can be a real challenge once you have a little one in the house. I have found that getting up early before Mom and Ned are awake is the most consistant time there is. BUT, that motivation of getting up at 4 am to run 4 miles only lasted a few weeks. For now I am just exercising when I can UNTIL Ned can fit into my jogging stroller, which will be soon! You will be happy to know that Karen, Ned and I walked in the Run To Feed The Hungry on Thursday. We did the 5K with 2 miles of transit walking before and after to the car. It was good. I think we will be making the plan to make that race a Thanksgiving tradition. You started us on that didn't you? Anyway, keep up the good work Sis! I will try to get back into it and try to make you proud to.

Kari said...

YAY SARAH! Good for you -- good for you for taking care of your body. I want to affirm that caring for your self -- including your body -- is NOT in conflict with caring for your family. Indeed, it is a vital part of taking care of your family. I pray God's blessing on your beautiful self and your beautiful family. One of the great things about our God is that God cares about our whole selves - not just our spiritual selves. You are a whole person - God bless YOU, my friend. Love, Kari

Sarah said...

what great encouragement.